Center for Hydrate Research

Colorado School of Mines

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The Center for Hydrate Research resides in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at Colorado School of Mines. It is the largest research center in the world dealing with hydrates and consists of about 20 students and faculty members at Colorado School of Mines.

About the Center for Hydrate Research

The mission of the center is to research, through discovery and innovation, the science and application of clathrate hydrates and other solids in complex fluids. This is accomplished by the generation and dissemination of knowledge through the training and education of scientists and engineers. The other solids of interest besides clathrate hydrates include ice, asphaltenes, waxes, clays, and sediments. The complex fluids include gases, oils, and aqueous fluids. The center fosters integrative and multidisciplinary research on these areas to address fundamental science and practical challenges involving clathrate hydrates and other solids in energy production, transportation, and storage.

We began our hydrate research in 1975. For more than two decades, we have been funded from many sources, including an industrial consortium of energy companies, the DeepStar Energy Consortium, federal agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Colorado School of Mines Hydrate Consortium Meeting

March 20-21, 2025

Golden, Colorado

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